Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hey there!

Well hello!

Here is a little bit about me:

My birth name: Lindsay
Gender: Bigender (which means I can flip flop between genders [I was born female with female parts])
Male name: Luke {My best friend is trying to get me to change my name to Logan though because Luke's are supposedly mean?)
Interests: music, art, surfing the internet, cooking
Sexual orientation: Lesbian (or considered straight when I'm in male mode [bottom line: I like girls and only girls])

Okay so I probably just blew some people's minds with the bigender thing. Well here is the wikipedia definition of bigender: here.  And here is a youtube video for those who don't want to read.

I also like girls and only girls. I find no attraction to men what so ever.

So this blog will be dedicated to my life and everything I go through. This does mean EVERYTHING. It might get a little R rated at times. Fair warning.